Saturday, April 11, 2015

19 Embarrassing Texting Confessions From The Whisper App

The Whisper App allows users to anonymously confess their secrets to everyone else on the Whisper social network. Via


That moment when I accidentally texted my  dad "babe let's make out"


I texted a girl for the first time in like 3 years and the response I got was "ew no."


I actually caught myself making the faces of the emojis I was texting my friend today. It was in public too!


I just texted my friend. In the shower. With a plastic bag over my phone. It still needs some fixing, but this is definitely a good idea.


I hate when I send a text and then look at it an hour later and think "why in earth did I just say that?!"


I often feel to embarrassed to ask when I don't know a text abbreviation like 'ttyl'


I texted my mom a butt pic.  She told me to that it wouldn't hurt to do squats... Fml


I texted the wrong number today and had a totally casual convo for hours until they said who's this


This girl texted me saying "Your adorable :)" I responded "No. You're adorable. " Now she likes me All I did was point out her typo..


The guy i was texting asked what my body type was, and I read it as "what's your blood type" so I replied 'o positive'. I'm so embarrassed


I texted the guy I like but then when he texted back I didn't know what to say so I just ignored it


That moment in class when you're texting your bae and Siri starts talking to you ??


I fake text people in public to make myself look less awkward


I texted a guy and asked him to Sadie's. He replied yes. I accidentally texted the wrong guy...  FML.


My grandma asked if I was texting my boyfriend because I kept smiling at my phone... I was just reading a book #foreveralone


Honestly, 70% of the time people hurt me, it's because I overreact to a text that I misunderstood ??


My mom just told my crush to text me... I've never been more embarrassed in my life. Lol.


Somebody accidentally texted me "Ranks" instead of "Thanks." I keep rereading it in Scooby Doo's voice and giggling like an idiot.


Once I was so tired that I texted my friend saying,"I can't talk now, I can't find my phone."

Which was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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